Each 10 gram powder contains: Calcium Carbonate 1300mg VIT D 1000IU
Calcium is a mineral required by all animals as an essential part of their diet, along with other elements such as Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron etc. Disease conditions caused by a deficiency of Calcium (or more usually an imbalance of Calcium and Phosphorus, together with a lack of Vitamin D) are very common in captive parrots. Calcium compounds are familiar in nature as relatively hard minerals such as chalk, limestone, cuttlefish bone, eggshells and oyster shell. The mineral in the body is incorporated in the structure of the bony skeleton and in the production of egg shells - perhaps its familiar manifestation, but it also has an important unseen function in solution in the bloodstream in the proper contraction of the muscles. Bone and shell structure depend on a combination of Calcium and Phosphorus in the right ratio; and the uptake and assimilation of Calcium is also linked to the availability of Vitamin D3. If a bird has insufficient Calcium available, then the symptoms seen can be many and variable, depending on the bird's age and sex, and the degree of the deficiency. A low level of Calcium in the bloodstream (this may be measured by taking blood samples from the vein of a bird) is known as HYPOCALCAEMIA. The reverse, too much Calcium, would be Hypercalcaemia. Hypocalcaemia occurring in an adult breeding hen may first produce Infertility;- in that the hen is unable to develop eggs. If she does produce eggs, they may be soft-shelled, which makes them difficult to lay and unlikely to survive. The next stage would be egg-binding, when an egg becomes stuck in the oviduct. This is a common problem, and may also be caused by immaturity of the bird, debility after laying eggs, or a change to cold and damp weather conditions after fine weather. However, as mentioned previously, Calcium is essential for proper muscle contraction and a mild deficiency will mean that the oviduct cannot contract properly to expel the egg. Indications: Oviduct Contraction – Infertility Of Breeding Birds – Weak Egg Shells
Oviduct Contraction – Infertility Of Breeding Birds – Weak Egg Shells
Mix10 grams (1 capfull) with 2 Litersof water. For prevention:3days-for treatment:7days
100 gram powder inside sealed plastic container